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The End of Corruption is an organization, working tenaciously to eradicate and combat the corruption from the society. Our aim as an organization is to support people by providing them with the access and connectivity to the government departments. We aim to fight against the corruption, ensure transparency, accountability and efficiency within the departmental works. Our NGO was established in 2022 and is working since then for the same goals . We as a team aspires to create awareness and to collaborate with other organizations to bring about social change towards integrity, good governance, and accountability. We hope you to join in the same journey as us!

Rajbir Singh

I am very happy to introduce the end of corruption is an indian non-profit based organization. On behalf of the end of corruption, I welcome you all. With such aims and objectives, it was established having strong message for the various purpose, to do something for the growth of our country in various segments for the development of india. the end of corruption main motive is work on different field such as education and literacy, women empowerment, health & family welfare and aged-elderly etc.

As the president of the end of corruption I strongly believe that it’s our duty and responsibility to give back to the society in which we live, in return of the many things we avail from it in our day-to day lives.